How to view and allocate resource [Resource Manager, Tag Manager or Resource Administrator]

Resource Managers, Tag Managers and Resource Administrators all have permission to view and approve project resource requests.

Click on the Resourcing tab in the navigation menu at the top of the screen.  This area provides a full list of all current and historic resource requests. A Resource Administrator will see all requests for the site. Resource and Tag Manager's will only see those requests relevant to them. 

Click on the project name to see some high-level project information i.e. aims, project team.

To review a request, click Edit

Viewing a Resource Request

The full resource request will be displayed on screen and will be identical to the form completed at the project level. 

To look for available resources, click Actions > Search Resources.


Search for Resource

The requested resource requirements will be displayed on the left-hand side of the screen, along with all individuals who match the criteria specified.   Note: Any users with a figure in brackets next to their name i.e. (0.50) will not be a full-time employee. This is controlled via the FTE field in their user profile. 

From this screen it is also possible to search for other available users by amending the filter options. Click on ‘Users’ to search for a specific individual. If needed, you can use the tag or calendar icon to amend/update the individual's unavailability and skill set tags.


Each available resource will have a colour per month which links to their overall remaining availability:

  • Green: 0-89% allocated
  • Amber: 90 - 99% allocated
  • Red: 100% allocated

Click on the triangle next to the individual's image/initial's, to see where else they have been allocated.


How to Allocate Resources

To allocate a resource, click in the checkbox for the month(s) you require them to work on the resource request. Note: If you wish to allocate a period of time which is different to the pre-populated amount of hours i.e. 10 hours rather than 37.50, you can simply click into the cell for the month and overtype the figure as needed. 

As you select a resource for each month, the red banner at the top of the heatmap will turn green to show a full allocation. If a month is only partially allocated it will show as amber.


Once all resources have been selected, click ‘OK’. 

The allocated resource(s) will now be shown under the ‘Allocated Resources’ section in the request.  To complete the process and generate a notification to both the allocated individual(s) and original requestor, click Actions > Allocate

Note: If a request is only partially allocated Verto will give a warning message.

Before allocating resource to a request, the reviewer will have the option to click on ‘Actions’ and either:

  • Reject the request - The request will remain visible but nothing can be done with it. A notification will be sent to the requestor.
  • Set to Draft – The request will be sent back to the requestor for them to make updates/changes. A notification is sent to the requestor.
  • Set to Pending – The request will be put on hold. A notification is sent to the requestor.
  • Delete – The request will be deleted from the system.


Top Tip

  • A users FTE can be recorded against their user profile. This will then be reflected in their monthly availability. 
  • Use the ‘Users’ filter option to search for and update an individuals user tags and calendar unavailability.